Like most aspects of our very existence, what constitutes "adventure", has been commodified so as to become unrecognizable to mere mortals. Its like, if you're not doing a first, peak, cape, longest of fastest by a geographic feature, then you're just piddling about. So all you parents, Scout and Guides leaders, young adults, waifs in sandals and curious kids? Yep, nothing you do counts. Oh, unless you use X Brand equipment. Then you're Cool, but still a Wannabe. As we get older, we question Marketplace Constructions such as these and conclude, they're BS. Just the outcome of Marketing, Self Promotion and Media Hype. Like Feminists "Reclaiming the Night", we have to reclaim our perceptions of Adventure (that's what the Fem's called Consciousness Raising), and get out in public and act it out. One-time proponents of larger Adventures such as Alistair Humphries and Beau Miles are onto this shift. They realised,...