Today,  I finished painting the portside of the hull & it looks beautiful.  Knowing a great portion of your boat's hull is sealed from water & looking fresh offers great comfort.  I feel I can do knows more for my boat.  

As the paint was curing O carried on with sundry small jobs. Sand & seal the cabin top, including removing Jaccy's name plate,  a cute piece of kit,  but a trap for mildew & moisture. 

On the cabin top I also found some old open screw holes,  so I set matches dowsed in epoxy into those hole to seal them up.  

As a final touch,  & with great reverence to a religious order that my family had supported for many years,  I set a coin commemorating the life of the founder of the Order under Jaccy's mast.  

Feeling bloody great! Though the weather is still cool & today quite gusty,  I am greatly anticipating taking Jaccy for her diary sail.  


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