Freshwater & Wood

  "The Big Book of Wooden Boat Restoration" by Thomas Larrs:-

Fresh water,  or water from above is the greatest enemy of wooden boats.

Water may be prevented from building up or drained via a plug in the bilge. 


must be made to stop fresh water entering by separate canopy,  deck cover allowing air circulation etc. 

Water can enter the structure close by joints and fittings; these should be adequately sealed.

The bilge must be keep clean and ventilated to prevent growth of mold or fungi. 

The bilge must be kept varnished or painted.   

Varnish ages and cracks and must be replied annually. 

Sunlight can split varnish,  allowing moisture which can heat causing steam which further cracks or splits varnish and timber.  

Keep varnish from direct sunlight as possible to limit aging the varnish, and then  expansion and contraction which compromises the seal.  


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